Riding Overseas
In all Countries it is advisable to contact the respective Country's PRA for the information and Jockeys Associations.
As a Licensed Australian jockey, one can ride on their State/Territory license for a maximum of 30 days in Britain, but that doesn’t mean that you’re covered under your State/Territory of origin under Workers Compensation re Hospital and Medical expenses AND for Weekly Benefits when you ride outside of your jurisdiction… You’re not!
Professional Jockeys Association UK
Paul Struthers, CEO of the Professional Jockeys Association
Izzy Desailly,
Japanese Jockeys Association
Mr Nishikubo
JRA Jockeys’ Club
Yutaka Take
Miho Training Centre
2500-2 Mikomo, Miho-mura,
Ikanshika-gun, Ibaragi 300-0415, Japan.
Ph. +81-0-298851629
South Africa Jockeys Association
Tex Lerena
Box 11581, Randhart,
Alberton 1457, SA.
Ph. +27-0-82 809 5635
Fax +27-0-86 672 2748.
US Jockeys’ Guild
NZ Jockeys’ Association
Dave Taylor
PO BOX 178
Mobile 0274930653
Please note you are not covered for workers comp in NZ. Your insurance should reflect this
Jockeys Benefit Association of Canada
Robert King Jr
C/O Thoroughbred Race Office
555 Rexdale Blvd, Toronto
Ontario M9W-5L2
or robertkingjr@mac.com
Korean Jockeys’ Association
Kisum Kim
General Manager
Ph. 82-2-509-1781
Fax 02-2-507-0764
Irish Jockeys Association
Andrew Coonan
South Main Street, Naas
County Kildare
Ph. +353-45-899571
Andrew is a solicitor, he acts for a number of Jockeys in appeals
Association des Jockeys (French Jockeys Assoc.)
Thierry Gillett
President and Secretary
43 Avenue de Saint-Germaine
78601 Maisons-Laffitte
Ph. 01 39 62 9865
Fax 01 39 62 0033
Celine Maussang
German Trainers and Jockeys Association
Petra Nix
Deutscher Trainer-und Jockeyverband
Rennbahnstrasse 154, 50737
Koln, Germany
Ph. 0049-2217498-50
fax 0049-221-7498-68