
The Australian Jockeys’ Association (AJA) and LUCRF (Labour Union Co-operative Retirement Fund) Super have entered into another three-year partnership that will ensure significant ongoing financial support for the National Jockeys’ Trust (NJT), through the sponsorship of jockeys’ breeches.

All funds from the partnership (less the cost of supplying jockeys riding breeches) will be directed towards helping current and former jockeys and their families, who are in financial hardship as a result of a serious injury, illness or death.

Thank you to our sponsor LUCRF SUPER for their continued support of Australian Jockeys.

LUCRF Super was Australia’s first industry Superannuation Fund and they aim to provide consistently competitive returns and excellent service at minimal costs to its members.

Key facts about LUCRF Super:

  • Industry super fund run only to benefit members
  • Over $5 billion in funds under management (FUM)
  • More than 168,000 members Australia-wide
  • Over 17,000 participating employers