Health & Wellbeing

Sports Psychologist

The AJA, together with the principal racing authorities, employs a sports psychologist in each state for the benefit of all jockeys past and present.

This free service is strictly confidential and neither the aja or pra’s are told of the jockeys that visit.

The confidentiality is important to the success of this service.

If you are going through a rough time ( financially, relationships, family, career etc) please pick up the phone and contact the sports pyschologist in your state…….

It could be the most important call you make….

DARWIN CONSULTANTS Kim Groves (08) 8941 5369

Sports Doctor

NT Jockeys are referred to Sonic HealthPlus who can be contacted via 08 8981 4233 or Alice Springs: Mall Medical Centre, 08 8952 2744