If You Have a Fall

Click here for the new Policy Schedule and details on how you are covered.

Click here to download the new claim form.

Workers Compensation

Notification of injury should be given as soon as possible to the race club secretary and to Racing NSW.

Claim forms can be downloaded from the Racing NSW website. In the event of serious injury notification and lodgement of claims might be made by others on the injured jockey’s behalf.
Download Claim form

Once completed send the injury claim form to racingnsw@gbtpa.com.au

Upon receipt of a claim, a case manager will be allocated to your claim who will contact you within 3 business days to discuss the matter, request any further necessary information and explain the claims and injury management process to you.

Top Up Form

Attached is the claim form for the AJA Personal Accident Cover, which tops up your Workers’ Compensation for what Workers Compensation doesn’t pay, up to $500 plus any extra cover you have. Please Make sure you attach a copy of all Workers Compensation Doctor’s Medical Certificates and send ongoing Certificates. Make sure your doctor puts all details such as diagnosis and cause of injury, dates of incapacitation clearly stating the start and end date.

Send to: Kevin Ring, AJA

Tel: 0409 852 990

Career Ending Fall Procedure

If you have had a career ending fall, please Contact Kevin Ring 0409 852 990 and/or Tony Crisafi 0430 211 098 for any extra advice or assistance.

Catastrophic Insurance

From July 1, 2021, Racing NSW implemented a new Catastrophic Insurance Policy (CIP) to replace the previous Public Liability Insurance for jockeys. The reason for the change was due to a decision in the High Court of NSW in early 2021 that prevented jockeys successfully taking action against other jockeys for negligence.

Following discussions between Racing NSW and the New South Wales Jockeys Association it was agreed to implement the new CIP. The CIP will cover a jockey, whether someone else is at-fault or not, for an amount of $2m if the injured jockeys suffers either:

  1. Quadriplegia
  2. Paraplegia
  3. Loss of use of all limbs
  4. Brain Injury (to the point you can no longer look after yourself)

The $2m is on top of all other workers compensation payments and career ending payments.

There is also a Review Committee to adjudicate on career-ending falls that may not be catastrophic.

With this change in policy it is now required for every jockey prior to riding in NSW to sign the Deed Poll - Release and Waiver form attached to the new license. All Jockeys currently licensed interstate will be required to sign a visiting jockeys licence with Racing NSW before riding in NSW.

Please note when completing the application it is important that your signing of the form is witnessed and such witness writes their name clearly and signs the form as confirmation of this process. Please note: FORMS THAT ARE RECEIVED THAT HAVE NOT BEEN SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT AND THE WITNESS, WILL NOT BE PROCESSED AND WILL HAVE TO BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT.